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Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Cycle B

Homily Suggestions:

Hos 2:16b, 17b, 21-22 
2 Cor 3:1b-6
Mark 2:18-22

As the bulletin insert above suggests, today’s readings lead us to reflect on the fact that the marriage between God and his people illumines why we are pro-life. Some criticize the Church for what they see as a failure to recognize the full rights and dignity of women, and the more radical “pro-choice” elements of society see our pro-life stance as “oppressive of women.” In reality, however, the Church is pro-life because she is a woman, a bride, a mother! The welcome of life springs from the Church’s very nature. In giving himself to us, God teaches us how to give ourselves to him and to each other – including to our children, born and unborn. In fact, God does not only teach us how to do this, but gives us the very power to do it, as he lives in us and loves through us. Being pro-life, in short, is how we live out our marriage vows with God.

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