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Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time - Cycle B

Homily Suggestions:

Jos 24:1-2a, 15-17, 18b
Eph 5:21-32 or 5:2a, 25-32
Jn 6:60-69

The apostles “have come to believe and are convinced” that Jesus is the Son of God. Therefore, even if they don’t understand some specific lesson he gives, they know nevertheless that he is trustworthy. There is, indeed, no evidence here that these words made any more sense to Peter and the other apostles than they did to the ones who turned away. But Peter and the other apostles did understand who it was that was speaking to them: Truth himself.

Faith is not totally blind. It begins with “motives of credibility.” In other words, we have solid reasons for believing the One we believe – we don’t just trust anyone who comes along and says he has a message from God. But once we have those solid reasons, then the trust we place in that person leads us to knowledge that reason alone could never reach.

The Church, moreover, does not reject “freedom of choice,” properly understood. God demands that we choose, as Joshua told the people (First reading) and as the hearers of Jesus did. Yet when we choose for God, those choices have corollaries and consequences. Choosing God in fact means choosing life. We choose to be in a relationship with the source of all life, and in that relationship, we therefore defend his gift wherever it is found.

We choose to conform every one of our choices to what the Gospel teaches. Christ does not propose “maybes” to us, but certainties, by which we then find the strength to do what Paul describes in the second reading: to give ourselves away for each other. He speaks of a mutual subordination and self-giving love of husband to wife. The Church by no means degrades women, but rather sees them as a symbol of the Church herself, the bride of Christ. All in the Church are called to the self-giving love that Christ lived.

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