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Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Cycle B

Homily Suggestions:

Ex 16:2-4, 12-15
Eph 4:17, 20-24
Jn 6:24-35

Human hunger is deeper than the physical, and the readings today point to Christ as the Bread of Life. He is foretold by the manna and continues to be our “daily bread” along our life's journey.

Today’s readings help us to focus on the fact that human development cannot only mean material growth, but also demands spiritual growth. In fact, the two are deeply related.

The spiritual growth we acquire in Christ, the Bread of Life, impels us to take on a whole new way of life, in which life itself is affirmed generously and the ways of the culture of death are rejected.

Embracing life, particularly amidst economic difficulties, requires the kind of trust in God and human solidarity experienced by the Israelites on their journey in the desert. It requires the kind of trust, furthermore, that the promises of Christ inspire in his words in today’s Gospel.

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