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Second Sunday of Lent - Cycle C

Homily Suggestions:

Gn 15:5-12, 17-18
Phil 3:17 - 4:1 or 3:20 - 4:1
Lk 9:28b-36

Abram (First reading) was enveloped by a deep sleep and terrifying darkness. On the mountain of the Transfiguration (Gospel), the theme of the discussion was the deep sleep and terrifying darkness that would envelop the Lord on Calvary. In both cases, God makes a covenant amidst the darkness, which gives way to new light and promise. The name “Abram” means “exalted father;” it will soon be changed to “Abraham,” meaning “father of many.” The stars in the sky don’t measure up to the number of descendants he will have. God tells him when he is 99 years old that he will bear a son and be the father of many nations! And it came to pass. His descendants include us, because he is our father in faith, as St. Paul teaches us. We have the same deep faith he had, and we too have seen that despite the apparent power of death, God makes life victorious. The deep, terrifying darkness that enveloped the Lord on Calvary made the apostles flee. Yet the memory of the Transfiguration must have strengthened them, because although they fled, they did not abandon their faith. On Easter it became clear that the light overcomes the darkness, death overcomes life, and the New Covenant in Christ’s blood will give rise to countless children of God, among whom we are privileged to be numbered.

We renew this covenant of life at every Mass. It is the celebration of the victory of life. We recommit ourselves to the God of life, and to standing up for life in the midst of a culture that has been enveloped in a deep sleep and terrifying darkness – the culture of death, mistaking death for a solution to its problems. Yet today we see the Lord in glory, and are strengthened to listen to the Son of God as the final word among all the contradictory messages in our culture.

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